The DJI Mini 5 is expected to hit the market as the successor to the recently launched Mini 4 Pro. Like its predecessor, it should weigh less than 250 grams, which makes registration unnecessary in many countries. This is particularly interesting for travelers who want to use their drone on According to previous rumors, the Mini 5 could come with LiDAR sensors and more powerful ventilated motors. It remains to be seen how DJI plans to integrate these advanced features while keeping the weight under 250 Grams’d Neo 2: Surprising new edition The announcement of a DJI Neo 2 is surprising, as the first Neo model according to drones should come onto the market at the same time. The exact timing is still unclear, but it is speculated that the release could take place towards the end of 2025.It should be noted that this information is based on rumors and has not yet been officially confirmed by DJI. However, Ellens is considered a reliable source in the drone community, which adds weight to the speculation. In addition to the Mini 5 and Neo 2 rumors, there is also speculation about an imminent release of the Mavic 4 series. It is assumed that DJI will bring these models onto the market first and only then will they follow up with the Mini 5 and Neo 2. Additionally, rumors are circulating about a new drone called the DJI Flip, which is expected to be the company’s next consumer model. This suggests that DJI enthusiasts can expect some novelties in 2025.