Happy New Year! Last year (for better and for worse) is in the past, and 2025 lies stretched before us just like an untouched half marathon course. The aid stations are set up, the roads are clear, and the finish line is waiting uncrossed at the end. This year has endless opportunities waiting for you.
One achievable, running-related goal held by many in this year is to run a half marathon. If you’re an avid runner, you really only need two months to prep, and even the most inexperienced couch potatoes can be ready to take on the 13.1 in four months. So if your New Year’s resolution is to cross a half marathon off your bucket list, there is no time like the present to start training. And even if you’ve ran 100 halfs before, then you might as well sign up for a new spring half marathon because they really are just so much fun.
So which spring half marathon do you sign up to run? We never thought you’d ask! While there are hundreds (no joke) of half marathons hosted every spring, we certainly have our favorites. Below is a list of 12 of the best half marathons hosted in the United States each year between March and May.
From New York City’s massive half marathon that runs through Times Square to smaller races in Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Oklahoma, there’s a little something here for everyone. So give the list a peruse, sign up for a spring half, and get training!